How to Make Cannabis Tea

Learn how to make cannabis tea with our easy recipes, and enjoy a soothing brew infused with weed's benefits for young adults seeking new experiences.

How to Make Cannabis Tea

How to make cannabis tea is a question that has intrigued many enthusiasts looking for an alternative way to consume and enjoy their favorite herb. In this blog post, we will explore the ins and outs of making cannabis-infused tea, revealing its benefits, necessary ingredients and equipment, as well as preparation techniques.

Cannabis tea offers a unique experience compared to other consumption methods like smoking or edibles. By mastering the craft of making cannabis tea, you can unlock a range of flavors and experiences while enjoying your favorite plant in a more discreet way. Furthermore, our guide will provide straining and flavoring tips that can elevate your homemade brews.

So sit back, relax with a warm cup of weed tea in hand (or prepare one after reading), and discover the versatility of this delicious beverage!

Table of Contents:

Benefits of Cannabis Tea

Cannabis tea is a soothing and therapeutic way to consume cannabis, offering numerous benefits for both recreational and medicinal users. Consuming cannabis in the form of tea provides a different experience than smoking or vaping, as its cannabinoids are absorbed through digestion for a longer-lasting and more gradual effect. This results in a longer-lasting, more gradual onset of effects that can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and alleviate various symptoms.

One significant advantage of making cannabis-infused tea is its potential health benefits. Studies have shown that cannabinoids possess anti-inflammatory properties which may help with conditions such as arthritis, Crohn's disease, and multiple sclerosis. Additionally, drinking weed tea has been reported to aid digestion by stimulating appetite while also providing relief from nausea.

  • Pain Relief: The analgesic properties of cannabis can provide relief from chronic pain caused by inflammation or nerve damage.
  • Anxiety Reduction: Consuming cannabis in the form of tea may help ease anxiety due to its calming effect on the individual endocannabinoid system.
  • Sleep Aid: Indica strains are known for their sedative effects; incorporating them into your bedtime routine might improve sleep quality.

To fully enjoy these benefits when brewing cannabis tea at home, it's essential first to decarboxylate your plant material. Decarboxylation involves heating ground cannabis flower at low temperatures (around 220°F / 104°C) for an extended period (30-45 minutes) before adding hot water. This process activates the THC, ensuring a potent and effective cannabis tea experience.

Another crucial factor in making weed tea is selecting high-quality cannabis buds or trimmings. Using fresh, organically grown plants will result in a more flavorful and therapeutic beverage. Additionally, testing various cultivars can help you locate the ideal combination of impacts for your own requirements - be it calming, pain alleviation, or a stimulating lift.

Ingredients and Equipment Needed

If you're looking to enjoy cannabis in a different way, making cannabis tea is a great option. To make weed tea, you'll need some essential ingredients and equipment.

The primary ingredient is, of course, cannabis buds or trimmings. It's important to choose high-quality cannabis strains for the best results. You may opt for milder flavor by using other parts of the cannabis plant, such as stems or leaves.

Besides cannabis material, you will need water as your base liquid for brewing weed tea. To enhance the taste and aroma of your drink, consider adding optional additions such as tea bags (black, green or herbal), honey or infused honey, cinnamon sticks or ground spices, lemon slices, or milk (dairy-free options work too).

In terms of equipment needed to brew cannabis tea successfully, you'll need:

  1. A pot with a lid - large enough to hold at least four cups of water.
  2. A stove-top burner - electric/gas works fine; just ensure it's clean before using it.
  3. An accurate thermometer - this helps monitor temperature during decarboxylation and infusion processes.
  4. A grinder - grind your dry plant matter into small pieces for better extraction efficiency in hot water boils process.
  5. A spoon or stirring utensil - stir vigorously while boiling and simmering mixture occasionally so cannabinoids release effectively from plant materials into solution.
  6. A fine mesh strainer, cheesecloth, or coffee filter - to strain out plant material after infusion.
  7. A tea infuser or tea bag - for steeping additional tea leaves or herbs with your cannabis concoction.

To ensure a proper dosage, it's essential to know the potency of your chosen cannabis flower. This can be done by checking the label on your purchased product or asking the budtender at your local dispensary. Begin with a small amount; modify as necessary depending on individual response and capacity.

With all ingredients and equipment ready, you're set to make some delicious cannabis-infused tea. Simply steep your ground cannabis in hot water, infused coconut oil, or boiling water with coconut oil and plant material. Add milk or any other optional additions to taste. Don't forget to stir vigorously and strain out any plant matter before drinking.

How to Make Cannabis Tea

If you're looking for a new way to consume cannabis, why not try making cannabis tea? This soothing and relaxing drink is perfect for those who want to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without smoking or vaping. Here's how to make cannabis tea:

  1. Decarboxylate your cannabis: To activate the THC in your cannabis, you'll need to decarboxylate it first. Heat your oven to 240°F (115°C) and spread the ground cannabis across a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake for about 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. If you want, you can also use any leftover cannabis stems as a low-budget option.
  2. Add water and optional ingredients: In a pot or saucepan, bring water to a boil before reducing heat to low simmering temperature. Add decarboxylated cannabis along with any additional flavors like tea bags or spices if desired.
  3. Brewing time and dosage considerations: Simmer the mixture for around 30-45 minutes while stirring occasionally. This will help extract cannabinoids effectively without burning them off due to high temperatures. Be mindful of individual endocannabinoid system differences when determining dosages; start small and adjust according to personal preferences.
  4. Add infused coconut oil or milk (optional): To increase the bioavailability of cannabinoids like THC, consider adding some infused coconut oil or milk during the brewing process since they bind well with fat molecules. This step is especially helpful if using strains rich in CBD as it may enhance absorption rates.

Remember that brewing time and dosage will vary depending on factors such as cannabis strain, desired potency, and individual tolerance levels. Experimenting with different combinations can help you find the perfect balance for your cannabis tea experience.

It's worth noting that consuming cannabis in tea form may result in a slower onset of effects compared to smoking or vaping. Drinking cannabis tea allows cannabinoids like THC to be absorbed through the digestive system rather than directly into the bloodstream via lungs, which could lead to a more gradual and prolonged experience. Relax and savor the delightful, cannabis-enriched beverage.

Straining and Flavoring Tips

Once you've prepared your cannabis tea, it's time to strain the liquid and add some flavor enhancements. Straining is essential for removing any plant material that may have made its way into your brew. To do this, simply pour the tea through a coffee filter, fine mesh strainer, or even a cheesecloth.

To take your cannabis tea to the next level, consider sweetening it with honey or infused honey for added flavor and health benefits. One of the easiest ways to enhance the flavor of your weed tea is by adding honey or infused honey. Honey not only adds natural sweetness but also has numerous health benefits such as antioxidant properties and soothing effects on sore throats. For an extra kick, try using cannabis-infused honey.

  • Add milk: Adding milk can help improve both texture and taste while also increasing cannabinoid absorption due to its fat content. For a dairy-free alternative, try using coconut milk for added creaminess.
  • Mix with other teas: Combine your cannabis tea with other herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint for added flavor complexity and potential synergistic effects between cannabinoids and terpenes in various plants.
  • Incorporate spices: Spices like cinnamon, ginger, or cardamom can provide warmth and depth of flavor to complement the earthy notes of cannabis.
  • Sweeten naturally: If you prefer something sweeter than honey, try using maple syrup, agave nectar, or stevia to sweeten your tea without adding refined sugars.

Remember that everyone's taste preferences and individual endocannabinoid system are different. It may take some trial and error to discover the ideal mix of tastes and amounts for you. Don't be afraid to get creative with your cannabis tea recipes.

As opposed to smoking or consuming edibles, cannabis tea offers a unique experience with its gradual and soothing effects. The effects may take longer to set in but can provide a more gradual and soothing sensation. Unwind, savor each draught of your special blend as it works its calming effects on both body and soul.

Versatility of Cannabis Tea

One of the most appealing aspects of cannabis tea is its versatility. With countless recipes and variations available, you can easily customize your brew to suit your taste preferences and desired effects. If you're after a soothing nightcap or an energizing early-morning beverage, there's sure to be a cannabis tea concoction that fits the bill.

For instance, if you prefer a creamier texture in your tea, try adding milk or coconut milk. Not only do these additions enhance the flavor profile, but they also help with cannabinoid absorption due to their fat content. For a dairy-free option, try combining cannabis-infused water with almond or oat milk to bring out the flavor and enjoy additional health benefits.

Combining cannabis-infused water with other herbs like chamomile, peppermint, or lemon balm can help to create a more flavorful beverage and may even provide additional health benefits from the various plant compounds. This not only adds depth to the flavor but may also provide additional health benefits from the various plant compounds found in these herbs.

  • Chamomile: Known for its calming properties and ability to aid sleep.
  • Peppermint: Refreshing herb that aids digestion and helps relieve headaches.
  • Lemon Balm: Soothing herb that reduces anxiety and promotes relaxation.

You can further personalize your weed tea by sweetening it with infused honey or agave syrup - both are easy ways to incorporate cannabinoids into any hot beverage while enhancing its sweetness. If spices are more up your alley, feel free to add cinnamon sticks or ground ginger during brewing time for added warmth and complexity in flavor.

For an experience tailored to your needs, select a cannabis strain that best suits the desired effects. For a more uplifting and energizing experience, opt for sativa strains. If relaxation and stress relief are what you seek, choose an indica strain instead.

Incorporating cannabis tea into your self-care routine or as part of medicinal treatment can be both enjoyable and beneficial. With its versatility in flavor profiles and customizable potency levels, there's no limit to how creative you can get with your weed-infused beverages.

FAQs in Relation to How to Make Cannabis Tea

Can You Make Cannabis Tea with Dried Cannabis?

Yes, you can make cannabis tea using dried cannabis. In fact, it is a common method for preparing the beverage. Simply grind the dried buds and follow the same process as with fresh leaves or flowers to extract cannabinoids and terpenes into your tea.

What Tea Is Best for Cannabis?

There isn't one specific type of tea that's best for making cannabis-infused beverages. You can use any kind of herbal or traditional teas like green, black, chamomile, or mint depending on your taste preferences. Combining different flavors will enhance the overall experience and create unique blends.

What Are the Benefits of Raw Cannabis Tea?

Raw cannabis tea offers various health benefits due to its non-psychoactive compounds like THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) and CBDA (cannabidiolic acid). These compounds have anti-inflammatory properties which may help in reducing pain, improving digestion, boosting immune function, and promoting relaxation without causing intoxication.

Is Cannabis Tea Illegal?

The legality of consuming or possessing marijuana varies by country and state laws. In some places where recreational use is legal such as Canada or certain US states like California and Colorado, brewing homemade weed-infused teas would be allowed within personal limits set by local regulations.


Finally, crafting cannabis tea is a wonderful option for obtaining the advantages of marijuana without having to inhale it. It's easy to make with just a few ingredients and equipment, and can be customized to your liking by adding different flavors or adjusting the strength. Plus, it's versatile in that you can use either THC-rich buds or CBD-heavy strains depending on your preference.